Monday, March 13, 2017

Spring 2017 Orientation for Faculty

The 5-Star Consortium colleges, EvCC, EdCC, Cascadia, Lake Washington Tech and Shoreline are looking forward to our next event on April 1st. New Associate (adjunct) faculty from each of the five colleges are invited to attend a full morning of best practices in active learning and student engagement. What is the morning like?
Naturally, we start with coffee, snacks and networking! We have developed a way for you to meet and talk to your colleagues from the other campuses and learn more about what they do and where they do it. There is always a welcome from the President of the hosting college (Cascadia is hosting on April 1), and then we move right into a discussion of setting shared expectations. In addition to our expectations of the participants, we want to make sure we are aware of your expectations of us, the presenters.

Other topics we discuss are Growth Mindset, Reading Apprenticeship, Building Classroom Community, and Formative Assessments. We also include multiple opportunities to practice each of these areas during the morning. We finish with a discussion of campus legal issues that all new faculty should be aware of, along with an opportunity to ask questions about these topics and campus resources.

No session would be complete without an assessment. We want to learn from our participants what worked well, and what changes participants might suggest. We finish with a fabulous lunch with the faculty from your home college, and a chance to ask more questions.

Join us on Saturday, April 1, 2017
Cascadia College
18345 Campus Way NE
Bothell, WA 98011
Room CC1-102

If you are interested in learning more about this Best Practices event, please feel free to contact me, Peg Balachowski, at

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