Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What Would You Do Wednesday: Scenario 2

Each week we will bring you a short scenario to address issues that you, your colleagues and students might face. How would you respond to these scenarios? Would you file a report, or do something different? Talk to your colleagues about these situations - the classroom should be a safe learning environment for students AND instructors!


At the beginning of the quarter, one of the male students in your class is doing outstanding work. He completes his assignments and even helps other students when they are struggling. He is also very friendly and makes a point of asking you and other students in the class how their weekend was, whether they’ve been to activities on campus, and in general being very social.

At mid-quarter things change. First the student’s work begins to suffer; assignments are turned in late or not at all. He stops chatting with other students, and has become disruptive in your class. When you suggest a meeting in your office he refuses. This student becomes very aggressive and demanding in class. Other students have expressed discomfort with this student's behavior. This student’s behavior has started to not only worry you, but scare you as well! What do you do?

Post your comments below!

If you'd like someone from the 5 Star Consortium to follow up with you regarding this scenario, please email

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