Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Upcoming Event: Best Practices in Active Learning and Student Engagement 1/9/16

Save the Date!

The Five Star Consortium Colleges will be hosting an event in January at Everett Community College.

Here is the information:

Best Practices in Active Learning and Student Engagement
Date: Saturday, January 9th, 2016
Time: 8:00am-12:30pm
Location: Everett Community College

Check the Events page for more information.

Comments and quotes from previous events:

"The group activities pushed me to do things I might not have done on my own."

"This was a fabulous orientation. I had a great time, and all of the content was useful and relevant...I liked all of the tips for development my teaching practice. I look forward to using a lot of these techniques right away!" 

"Good conversation/ discussion among peers."

"I found a lot of this valuable."